Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Post Pregnancy

Aren't you all sad that there won't be anymore pregnancy humor to share with you? But guess what? Now we have all of the post pregnancy humor for awhile. These have been the highlights this week from my wonderfully entertaining daughters.

Ella looking at my post delivery belly and asking when the next baby is coming.

Haley coming into the room as I am nursing and asking if he is done milking yet.

Ella with magnifying glass in hand comes over while I am nursing and says, " Let's look at your GINORMOUS boobie".

And lastly, yesterday at work Ella was being a handful while I was feeding Ty and I looked down at him and said, "Ty what are we going to do with her?" Ella's response was to look at Ty and say "Just keep sucking! Don't say a thing!"

More to come I am sure...


Lauren Faiai said...

Love it! Ella and Haley are AWESOME. I wish I could witness these moments in real time. I had a really good comment to post, but I erased it. There's a slight chance my mom will read these comments...and well...it just wouldn't be appropriate. I'll tell you later! Love you!

berrytribe said...

TOO FUNNY!! I'm not sure why all the best stuff happens to you. You looked terrific yesterday. So good to see you and be able to meet Ty. What a handsome boy! Whata pleasure it will be to watch him grow.

TK said...

I'm so glad you have this blog to record this kind of stuff. When Haley and Ella and Ty are grown they will be glad you have it or at least you will be glad you have it.