Thursday, April 12, 2007

My Pregnancy Dreams

I don't know if any of you remember having weird dreams but last night I had a couple of doozys.
The first one was simple. I basically had the baby but it came out as a black bunny. I was very disappointed to say the least.
The other dream was a little more complex. I think I was at the mall. I called my mom over and out came this full grown child, yet it wasn't a normal child. It looked more like a rag doll with yarn hair. The other weird thing was that it didn't have any meat on it's bones so my mom and I tried to stuff it back in since it didn't seem to be done. My uterus seemed more like a plastic trash bag on the outside of my body that we were trying to get it in. I wanted to clarify that part so you weren't envisioning my mom and I trying to put it back in any other way:)
The other weird thing that happened this week wasn't a dream although it seemed kind of like one. I had the girls at the grocery store and I heard this very hyper woman asking her husband to bet her $100. She was going on and on trying to get him to commit. I kept hearing her say "I will ask her, are you going to bet me $100?" At this point as I was trying to concentrate on the soup cans I realized it was more than likely about me. I didn't know if I should have been flattered that I was causing so much excitement or scared. Sure enough as her husband scurried off to the next aisle ( I think he was actually the one scared) she came right up to me and asked what I was having and told me she had a $100 riding on her being right. I said "a boy". You would have thought she had just won the lottery. Off she ran and I think I could still hear her several aisles over saying, "I told you, I told you, I knew it, I knew it!" Now most of you know I don't like being the center of attention but I must say although this woman was a total stranger I was happy I could make her grocery store trip a little more exciting for her.


Lauren Faiai said...

Kara -
I love your dreams!! The Black Bunny thing was a little weird, but... whatever.

Pretty cool that you were able to make some lucky woman a hundred dollars richer yesterday. Sweet!

By the way...I'm commenting because I want to...NOT because I need to sign in.

berrytribe said...

too funny. She should have split the $100 with you!!

Anonymous said...

I love your post! Your blog is amazing.

Lauren Faiai said...

Kara! I love you. I love your dreams. I'm glad that I'm a part of them sometimes!!

Anonymous said...

You have a beautiful family! By the way...I've had the dream about the Black Bunny before! Funny. Thanks for always having great posts.

You don't know me...I just found your blog when I was browsing around! I added it as one of my favorites!

From Jennifer