Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Could They Be Any Different?

I marvel quite a bit at the differences between my two daughters. Haley has and hopefully always will be the sweetheart with tender feelings like her Mommy and a drive to be in business (like her Mommy too). Ella on the other hand is a wild, free-spirited thing that enjoys making people laugh more than anything else and always keeps us shaking our heads. There is never a dull moment.
Yesterday I took them both to work with me so that my husband could get motivated to work on the nursery (and yes he painted!). Anyway it was a normal, crazy adventure of several bank trips, smart and final runs and three store visits. The highlights would definately be Ella dipping dog bones in white chocolate. It wasn't the actual dipping that was entertaining but what she did once they were set up. She proceeded to lick and eat all of the white chocolate off of each dog bone. The customers found this very entertaining which probably just spurred her on more.
Haley on the other hand had made her own tip cup with the words "little girl's tips" written on the outside. This is to make sure that her tips don't get confused with the regular employee working. It is surprising how quickly people give her money though. I think she is starting to pass me on the daily income level. In fact one of her favorite things to do is to visit Claire's next to us at the mall. She goes and hangs out with the employees there while I work. Anyway she took her tip cup with her and managed to make money at a place she wasn't even working at. Go figure!
All in all it wasn't as crazy to have them with me as most days. We were gone for a good 6 hours and I think between the three of us we had one meltdown each.


Lauren Faiai said...

I swear, K...each hour of your day could be a separate entertaining post!

TK said...

Yeah I'm excited the nursery got painted although I wanted to participate in that. Post pictures soon!!!

Lauren Faiai said...

I love you, kf. Can't wait to hang out this weekend!