Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Baffling Comments

Many times through out my day I love to be sarcastic with family, friends, and especially employees. But there are those few people that cross your path who you just can't seem to say what you want in fear of hurting their feelings. Sooo I thought I would post about it instead.

In the bank parking lot as I was approaching my car an elderly woman was admiring a sleeping Ty. She asked me how old he was and I responded about 6 weeks old. Her response, "So he hasn't opened his eyes yet?"

My actual response was a smile along with "yes he has, he is just sleeping right now"

What I wanted to do was to inform her that she must have mistaken my son for a kitten or a puppy. One of the two.

A couple of days later. One of my newest employees in Alpine was helping me load my car and saw Ty in his car seat. Her question, "Is this the baby you had a few weeks ago?"

My actual response, "yes"

What I wanted to say was "No this is the one I had yesterday the one I had a few weeks ago is at home!'


Lauren Faiai said...

Yes, I've always thought Ty opened his eyes VERY early on in his life!

Those employees of yours, K...I don't know where you get 'em... but all I can say is "TOP NOTCH!"

Another post I'll have to tell my mom to read.

TK said...

HILARIOUS! I just spent the morning with my elderly grandma so this post was extra special to read. Gotta love those grannies. You must be so proud of his extreme accomplishments.

berrytribe said...

Next time, hold nothing back, Kara. I'd love to see what their response is to you! But, I must admit, I am so proud of you and the self control you showed. I fear I would have said what came to my mind and...ooops-right out my mouth. Your simple yes is definitly a better way to deal. :)

Becky said...

I agree with Shannon, it's very admirable that you held your tongue. Pretty sure I would have said what I was thinking sarcastically.

Becky said...

I'm wondering why you don't comment on my posts anymore? Don't you have a pet peeve about people reading your blogs without commenting? Or, you can just go to other blogs and comment about me, that works, too.