Saturday, February 17, 2007

Top Ten Reasons You Know They Are Getting Too Big

These are just some of the signs lately.

10.Ella tells Haley she doesn't like her tone.
9. Haley has a boyfriend she sits with at lunch and writes notes to.
8. With each move in checkers Ella says "Yeah,Baby".
7. Haley wants to play Truth or Dare.
6. Ella and Haley are jump roping while singing, "Ice cream, soda, cherry on top, whose your boyfriend I forgot?"
5. They both use the toaster, microwave, computer and cell phone with ease.
4. Dora is suddenly for babies.
3. Narles Barkley "Crazy" comes on the radio and Haley tells you to turn it up it is her favorite song.
2.I now have to pay money to get something done when before it seemed all I had to do was ask.
And the #1 reason I know they are getting too big
1.Haley can read the US magazine cover and announces that some girl stole a boy named Justin.


Becky said...

That's rad.
Just a little bit scary, too.
The whole reading thing is good and bad. Amazing. Miss you!

TK said...

This would be sad if another baby was not on the way but with your little boy baby here soon you can at least be grateful they're older to help more.

Lauren Faiai said...

Love You K.
This is awesome. Every list you do gets more hilarious!!

Heather Hammond said...

I'm in denial! I'm pretending none of them are growing up!

berrytribe said...

Why do they have to grow? Can't we just freeze them at that really cute stage?